Retroviral-mediated transfer MDRI gene gene transfer Cord blood CD34+ cell
AC arc welding power source∥Pulsed arc stabilizer
gas metal arc welding-pulsed arc
Plasma arc ∥ Plasma arc by a microcomputer aided photo processing
twin arc submerged arc welding
Antisense gene of Rb gene
Connexin 37 gene Cx37 gene
cytochrome b gene Cyt b gene
Gene for gene hypothesis
genetic model of major gene plus poly gene
imaging gene expression and gene radiation therapy
Major gene plus poly gene inheritance analysis
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma-associated gene 6 gene
Phosphoenolpyruvae Carboxylase gene PEPCase gene
Trehalose synthase gene TPS gene
non-overlapping sequence of VP1 gene to VP3 gene
Arc Pyramid structure in human resources
(pool-cathode) mercury arc rectifier
100 t Shaft Arc Furnace